It all began sometime early this year when I came across Parachute Advansed's Fall In Love Dobara contest
Tell us about the most
memorable moment
you've shared with
your husband ‐ one that
you would love to relive ‐ and
you could win
The Perfect Date!
I dashed off my entry:
The most memorable moment I've shared with my husband that I would like to relive is...
Although my life with my husband is filled with endlessly memorable moments, the most memorable one took place in the days soon after we met. It was a cold early spring morning in Delhi and we had spent the night chatting and suddenly we noticed dawn was about to be born. He took me for a walk through the misty landscape and we came upon a garden of flowers but there was a barbed wire hedge around it. He leaped over it smoothly and plucked a bunch of flowers. Before I could blink he was kneeling before me, presenting me with this bouquet. It was symbolic of the romantic life full of fragrant memories that lay ahead.
Serendipitously I won a fantastic gift
from a Company whose products I do indeed love and use: from the kitchen to the cosmetic closet, Parachute coconut oil products are our first choice.
I was thrilled with the gift vouchers but not so sure how enjoyable it would be in reality. Procrastinating, I dashed off emails to Taj, Vivanta (The hotel in which I could use my gift vouchers for a romantic meal).
The response was so touching. I received emails and phone calls so movingly eager to make my day!
A special thanks to Devendra S. Ratnawat, Executive Assistant Manager, Food & Beverage and Shilpa Gokhale, Director of Sales. They were absolute darlings!
It was finally on Saturday, the 8th of June, that we set out for our date, a couple of days after our actual anniversary date.
Rain was impending but Nature cast a lenient glance our way: it was a real dreamy drive to Vivanta by Taj Blue Diamond Pune
From the very entrance it was a grand welcome and tell you what, it didn't appeared orchestrated: we had settled on Latitude and asked the way: a young man from security smilingly led us there.
We entered a serenely lit space escorted by a sweet young lady. We sat for a bit at a very cosy table
but the outdoors also looked very inviting and we moved to the poolside and, in this weather, it was paradise.
What a romantic brunch it was: we were waited upon but most unobtrusively.
A beer each, some sparkling champagne each: toasts to our 31 years together and blessings for the 31 years ahead.
With the beer we were served some excellent starters: the chicken tikka was delectable as was the vegetarian kebabs
Time flowed timeless under the swaying palms and slow theater of monsoon clouds. We chatted and sipped and anon were served with exquisite appams and coconut milk stew of the most divine purity and freshness.
No one made us feel we had to hurry things up-it was as if Taj staff played cupid!
Brunch was an array of tasty dishes covering a more than satisfactory range of cuisines, gentle live music soothed the soul...
We ate to our fill, delicious desserts included
and nearly fell off our cosy chairs when lo and behold, an anniversary cake manifested!
And with all the grace of perfect hosts they offered to pack it up for us.
As I went up to take a photo of all the fine young people who helped make our dream date,
I was presented with a humongous bouquet!
Thank you, Parachute Advansed and Taj Blue Diamond for making dreams come true for two confirmed lovers